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Mar 09, 2008 21:44

This is a fairly scary article about drugs in the drinking water. I find the method of how the drugs get into the water to be particularly interesting, since it seems to be a self-perpetuating cycle. The implications are also troubling, though considering the chemicals in foods, the pollutants in the environment, the radiation from the sun, etc, I think the public health doesn't have much to fear from this one source. is a really cool website that e-mails you snippets of a book each day/weekend/MWF. There are many public domain books on the site which are free, though there are also books that you have to pay for after a certain amount of e-mails. This is a great chance to tackle a book you've also meant to read. I'm starting out with poetry, since I want to see how the once a day format works in terms of retention. I'm beginning with Elizabeth Barret Browning's Sonnets from the Portuguese and a book of quotations. However, I'm also eyeing some of the great Russian classics once I become more used to the format.

Fic Recs!
Paralyzer by Mami-san, (WK) Crawford/Schuldig, pre-WK timeline. Very hot & a great take on how Rosenkreuz operates. 5 chaptes and ongoing.

This Year's Love by hollycomb, (HP) Albus/Scorpius (AS/S). A cute falling in love story that is achingly realistic (for a fic about wizards XD). The boys act their age, there are some interesting OCs and the author breathes fresh life into some of the canon characters, especially Ginny. 3 parts, with the 4th part a WIP

Jeeves and the Tennis Coach by out_there. (Wodehouse) Jeeves/Wooster. I have discovered the greatness that is Wodehouse only recently & have been devouring the stories & fic. This is probably my favorite one and it captures the tone of the books perfectly. A must-read if you're a Wodehouse fan. Complete!
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