Jun 29, 2005 21:23
Alrighty then....summer classes it is. On the bright side, I get to share a room with PAGAN!!!!! *jumps around* and a house with beth....but wait.....rent....food....books....*stops jumping* This is what my schedule is going to look like for the next month:
RUINFO 8:30am-5pm at 6.50 an hour
Monday- 8:30-5 work 55.25.…………..6-11 (Class) …..12-2 study
Tuesday- 8:30-5 work 55.25.…………..6-11 (Class)…..12-2 study
Wednesday- 8:30-5 work 55.25.…………..6-11 (Class)…..12-2 study
Thursday- 8:30-5 work 55.25.…………..6-11 (Class)…..12-2 study
221 x 4 = $884 (before taxes)
Friday- 8:30-5 55.25 + 221= 276.25 x 4 = $1105 (before Taxes)
Saturday- Study
Sunday- Study
Rent- $306 per person
Food- $250 a month or less
No where the hell I am going to squeeze in eating, sleeping, and bathing is beyond me but I have busted my ass this far I'm not going to give up. I don't care if I pass out from exhaustion on the way back into Demarest...it's a small price to pay for getting back on track!