(no subject)

Apr 15, 2006 13:24

I'm getting overwhelmed
I just overdrafted my account $3 to buy some food and was a day late in depositing $10 so I will be charged $27 more for it.
A guy I just met through a friend, told my friend that I was a douche and that she shouldn't waste her time with hanging out with me. The funny thing is I was kind of shy because I didn't know anyone there except my friend so I was mostly quiet the whole time,
I have two large papers due soon. one 8-10 page History Paper, and one 10-12 theology paper.
I have a big speech project to do soon and I haven't had time to work on it, and my partner has been too busy also.
I have to work from 6pm-2:30AM today and tomorrow and Monday I think.

two weeks ago I had a flat tire and when I went in to get it fixed they told me I had to buy all new tires=$133
A couple of days ago, my car was towed while parked next to my apartment building=$117
rent and electricity=$270

and it's easter on sunday

Thanks for the card mom and dad, and grandma- I'm a special son who they are all very proud of

I'd reach for someone in particular if I didn't know that they'd laugh at me and do nothing
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