Apr 20, 2008 22:31
so life at the jedi is just amazing, i dont think i could of asked for a better family than what i have now. the bonds we have created can never be broken. maybe bruised a little but they will always heal.
ive done alot of thinking the past couple of days. where was i a year ago?....was i happy with who i surrounded myself around, my living situation n all things of that sort? and the answer was a big fat NO. its nice to think now i do things on my own terms not what others find to be right or wrong. ive definatley made a 360 in my life. i am back to being self sufficient and independent. obsiously like everyone else on the planet at times i can still feel unwanted or just insignificant. but as the day ends and a new one beings those feelings fade away.
so much has changed even just in the past month and a half. i think with every day that goes by i learn a little bit more about myself and who i really want to be. i like where i am now alot. i couldnt ask for more.