Having some time to actually sit at my desk between emergencies at the moment, looking back at the year now coming to a close seemed appropriate. And since I've been writing far too many school reports recently, the format just wrote itself.
Lessons learned:
- No matter how explicit you make instructions to someone taking over your job, there are still thousands of ways to screw it up. Be prepared for this.
- I am not yet too old or too mature to be able to avoid making a complete and utter fool of myself.
- I'm also not too old (yet) to learn new things.
- Love can and will leap out at you when you least expect, need or want it to. When it does though, grab onto it with both hands.
- Travel really does broaden the mind - it's not just a cliche.
- Empire building at work is not always a bad thing. Sometimes you just have to look out for yourself.
- Friends are vital. Good friends are precious, and need to be treated as such.
- I really miss my fuzzies. But in order to be fair I need to wait until I have a lot more free time before I get any more. Even if that means waiting until retirement.
Lessons still trying to learn:
- Communication - what to say, when to say it, when to shut up
- Need to learn to take some real time to deeply reflect on my own feelings honestly, and to look at long term ramifications
- Sometimes its okay to say 'No'
- It's okay to be scared, just don't let that fear paralyze you from acting.
So, onto 2010. Anyone see a black monolith hanging around?