so, i've had a barrage of phone calls in the past few days - some happy, some incredibly sad, and some just downright disturbing. if hitler called me from the grave tonight, i wouldn't be the least bit surprised.
first off, i get a phone call earlier this week from
paul wein. he's a friend of mine from the south park digest and lives in new york - i haven't talked to him in at least 2 years. anyhow, after playing phone tag for a day or two, we finally get to talk and he tells me that a woman we both know embezzled $300,000 from the place she worked for. furthermore, she has aliases, lied to us about her past, and is on the run. wtf? the police are now going through her phone records, and i might get a phone call from them in the near future. stay tuned for THAT update. the good part is that paul and i are in contact again, and have had some nice, long, funny conversations this week. it's nice to do that again - i really don't talk on the phone much anymore, and it's good to catch up with old friends.
on friday, after hanging out with chelsea in the morning and getting lunch with jared, i come home and started editing my resume. (jared was fishing with a friend from work, so i was expecting to just have the night to myself.) but what do you know, i get a phone call from
anson dible - a friend from miami that i worked with at the library. y'all remember anson, right? well, he got married the last summer we worked together (3 years ago!), and i knew he was in michigan getting his master's degree in architecture. what i didn't know is that he had a baby 10 weeks ago! a little baby boy, isaac. how wonderful! he's moving to indianapolis and starting his new job on monday. what great news. it was so nice catching up with him and finding out how well everything is going.
while talking to anson, i got an instant message that i ignored until later - it was from ted. haha. he wasn't there when i got back to the computer though. that might have been an interesting conversation. (just another person i haven't seen or talked to in at least 2 years.)
saturday, i get an im at work from erica raber! now, i had been meaning to call erica, seeing as how i'll be in boston in 2 weeks! so i called her during a break and we made tentative plans to meet up while i'm in boston for the ebay live convention. i'm really looking forward to seeing her!
dan also called me saturday to tell me that he was, in fact, coming down to columbus again this weekend. (he's not from my past, of course, since i just saw him last weekend and talked to him earlier this week about the possibility of him coming down. i'm just saying - people keep calling me!)
last night was the bad phone call. barb stanley called me to let me know that keith nepsa (josh's little brother) was killed in iraq saturday morning. i have always thought of the nepsa's as a second family, even after all this time. josh and i were always hanging out together in high school, and even though we never see each other anymore, i still think of him often and hope he's doing well. keith actually emailed me almost 2 years ago to see how i was and to tell me about his life in the military - it was so good hearing from him, and i know he will be sorely missed. i don't know if i'll be able to get off work for the funeral (i don't even know when it will be yet), but i will certainly try my best to make it home for it.
i should mention that even under terrible circumstances, it was still good to hear from barb. i talked to her more today and found out that her little girl, cynthia (hopefully that's the correct spelling...) will be 2 in september! the last time i saw barb was at her baby shower - crazy!
overall though, even with the phone call mania, i've had a nice weekend. last night, jared, dan and i went over to miranda's new apartment to hang out. chase met us over there, and we had fun shopping at meijer and playing catch phrase. today i need to apply for jobs, since i didn't get that far friday night. there's a position open at cml that i'm going to apply for... even though i doubt i have a chance at getting it. but, what the hell, right? it can't hurt to apply. still no word from worthington though.
maybe i should just turn my phone off once in a while. (yeah right!)