(no subject)

Oct 16, 2003 17:04

You excel at Defense Against the Dark Arts. Which
is really good because who knows when you'll
run into that disgruntle troll or banshee going
through menopause.

Which Class at Hogwarts Would You Excel at?
brought to you by Quizilla

The Big Five Personality Test Extroverted|||||||||||||| 58% Introverted |||||||||||| 42% Friendly |||||||||||| 42% Aggressive |||||||||||||| 58% Orderly |||||||||||| 50% Disorderly |||||||||||| 50% Relaxed |||||||||| 36% Emotional||||||||||||||||64% Intellectual |||||||||||||| 54% Practical |||||||||||| 46% Take Free Big 5 Personality Test

Blah, I think I bombed that chem test. I know I got at least 3 wrong and they were all ont he last page (I peeked at the key when I was done) Blah. At least I don't have the shitloads of hw tonight that I had last night. And I actually finished a page for yearbook :) I also got another picture for another page of it but I still have two to take. Blahhhhh.
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