Oct 14, 2003 16:37
I got a 92 on the government test...shoulda gotten 95...but on two of the questions I marked A instead of B because I thought A corresponded to the Dred Scott case which was the oldest of the court cases we needed to know...DAMMIT! Blahhhhhh. At least it'll pull up my grade some. And the chem test got moved to Thursday, since we all convinced Tracy (who wanted it Wednesday) that it really should be Thursday. Spanish test is tomorrow though. I also have to meet Mariam and James at school early tomorrow to talk about that Shakespeare thing...eh. I condensed my part of it; I just need to type it up. We had a sub in music so obviously neither Mr. Busch nor his laptop were at school...hence, I couldn't do the music theory stuff on it. So I made the Cliffnotes version of part of Taming of the Shrew instead :) (Half the time I'm just doing homework anyway. You can only do so many drills on Musition before it gets old!) And it's like getting credit for a study hall. weeeeeeeeee. (Yes, I really do care about the class, but I realized pretty early on that I'm beyond what he had in mind to teach me. I might have gotten out of Theory 1 in college even without the IS class) So yeah, today was pretty cool, despite the rain and my being extremely freaking tired. I also have piano in an hour and a half. I should probably practice. Oh yes *gag* Adios