(no subject)

Aug 09, 2003 23:58

I'm enjoying this summer, for the most part. July meant driver's ed by day and soccer by night- both of which were a lot more fun than i expected. Now i'm not really doing anything, aside from the occasional appointments. yep...my birthday...senior pictures...getting my wisdom teeth out.... and my roadtest. that's basically it. This is the way I dream of living during the schoolyear. The only bad part of it is that there's no real point to waking up in the morning anymore, so I kinda wake up at 12....or later.... sometimes, which makes me feel like I'm wasting my life. (I'd like you to keep in mind while reading this that I go to sleep around 4, I'm not just some slob who sleeps like 14 hours a day). I can't think of a good way to end this, so...bye.
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