fat kid camp

May 26, 2009 19:46

so the diet is going very well.

first i would like to say that celebrating weightloss is kinda stupid because the fat person got fat because of poor decisions so they are at fault in the first place. this goes with addiction, poor financial decisions, etc. why celebrate someone getting back to where they started unless they have been like that prior to being able to make their own decisions....like fat children for example.

so mike have been going to our meetings every tuesday and doing our weekly weighin. mike was the number one loser this week and i was number 2. over all he is coming in 11 out of 27 and i am in 9th out of the 27 class. this is all relative to the class. relative to my goal i have only lost 20% of my goal. i have a long way to go. and if anyone bothers to read this i will prevent you from doing the math. 165lb start...115lb goal...10lb loss. so yea....i will get there
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