Oct 01, 2013 19:28
THE BOOK OF THE DEAD Mail In Dead Line is OCT. 15th!!!!
We've extended the deadline to give artists more than enough time to donate to the Book of the Dead in the hopes we can raise more donations and help some truly worthy organizations!
All art must be snail or emailed no later than Oct 15th!
It's Book of the Dead time! What is the Book of the Dead?
The Book of the Dead is a collection of art work that we auction off at
Furfright to help raise money for Furfright's charities, The United States War Dogs
Association (www.uswardogs.org) and The Animal Haven!
Let's see if we can beat the amount we raised last year! :)
BUT, for this to work we need your help!
The Charity Book of the Dead needs artwork and photography submissions!
The Book of the Dead is one of FurFright's many events that raises money for worthwhile charities. The book contains amazing original artwork and prints donated by a wide variety of talented artists, and is auctioned off at the end
of the convention. All money raised by its sale will go to the United States War Dogs Association (to help Military Working Dogs and the Soldiers and Civilians they protect) and The Animal Haven (a no-kill shelter that cares for abandoned animals and places them in loving homes).
Submission guidelines:
-- Halloween, War Dog, and Shelter/pet rescue-themed artwork (original or prints) and photography
preferred (though all subject matter is welcomed).
-- NO ADULT WORK! All submissions must be rated G to PG13
-- Pieces need to be 8.5 x 11 inches
-- Digital submissions should be high resolution so a high quality 8.5 x 11" print can be created.
Send submission to:
c/o Furfright
20 Harrisburg Ave.
Westbrook, ME USA 04092
Digital submission can be emailed to: silvermane1977@gmail.com
IF YOU ARE ATTENDING FURFRIGHT: Artwork and photography donations can be dropped off in the Charity Room to be included in the Book of the Dead.
And yes, there will be a BOOK of the DEAD ART JAM Friday at 9pm in the Atrium (look for the tables with signs)! :)