Dec 04, 2012 11:45
What a strange word uppity...Uppity I can say it all day and it makes me grin. Uppity. Things are looking up from a few scant days ago. Did my billing for the month and once again a low balled my budget or rather over estimated how much money I will have versus actual expenses which is always a good thing. I have already made an appointment with my therapist later on in the week to help me through the holiday blues.
Ever noticed how depressing some holiday songs are? Seriously I want to be lifted out of depression not put back into it. Where's the holly jolly?!
I have been trying not to be negative which can be hard this time of year. Last night I had a slight blow up but after talking about it and actually doing some good I felt better after the fact. It also helped that I got a room mate a Christmas gift rather than get something for myself, which the gift could have easily been that.
This coming weekend I am going to clean up the house before I have to leave on a two weekend visits for the Holidays to else where. Nothing too bad and the weather seems to be cooperating as far as being cold and cloudy which always makes me want to stay inside and work on projects around the house.
Speaking of projects I am writing my werewolf novel finally. Mostly gathering notes and flushing character bios out at the moment before I get into the plot. No spoilers but I am pretty excited about it as I narrowed down the scope of the story thus far. I am also looking for something to do to fill the winter void just looking around Maine for something to do, a hobby as well. There are a few possibilities that I am looking into just something to get me out of the house. Of course one of them is ice fishing...though if this year is like last year, that's going to be hard if there's no ice. Damn you global warming! *laughs*
Anyway hope everyone is doing well! :)