Oct 13, 2004 09:37
i must be the dumbest man i know i dont get why i follow my heart it always sets me up for the biggest failures and the most painful let downs i shoulda just stayed sorta happy instead of doing this i dont know what i was thinking...i should of just listened to everybody else i should of just not messed with this....everybody told me that what i was doing was stupid but i dont listen i never listen i just do what i wanna do and they were right i got ripped up by it and now it hurts and i hurt i am down a friend and bitter towards the situation....i just need to get over it and the easiest way is for me to get over something is i just throw it away and i can be emotionless at times i can just push it to the back of my mind and just put dirt on it and cover it up and thats what i am gonna do.. i am just gonna bury these feelings and hope they never come out...
sorry if i hurt you but thats just the way i am...