Title: Living Their Life
Series: Day After Day- Random Drabbles and Other Assortments
Characters/Pairings: Tentoo/Rose
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance/Fluff/Humor
Words: 1,062
Summary: One-shot. Random shots of the Doctor and Rose living their life, day after day.
Disclaimer: I claim no ownership of Doctor Who or the wonderful gif that accompanies it.
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Comments 11
These are adorable and sweet and cute and wonderful!
*snuggles with Fogs*
But anyway, I love these! <3 <3 *snogs you*
And Crystal, why are you not on my flist?? *goes to rectify this grave error*
For example:
"You going my way, doll?" Rose's smile became much softer as she responded, "Always."
My favourite: Rose Tyler, what are you doing with a book about physics?" He had an odd look on his face; he didn't like it when he couldn't figure things out. Suddenly, it dawned on him and he scrambled up, suddenly trapping her against the closet door. He knew why. The dimension cannon didn't build itself, after all. "Thank you for finding me," he whispered before leaning in to kiss her firmly. DW fans seem to forget; it's nice that the Doctor, and you, didn't.
So glad you liked it, Jer! Thank you for the lovely comment!
The first one was brilliant but when I read the second I knew it would be my favorite...but then I read the third and decided that was my favorite, but then the fourth came along, and so on. And, well...I can't decide which I like best. So I'll take 'em all, please and thank you! heh.
It was so sweet and adorable and so perfectly in character. And yay for baby TARDIS mention!
ugh. You killed me. All my 'feels' are destroyed! hehe!
Wonderful, wonderful.
You should see the big grin I got when I read this. That up there? Doesn't even cover it.
Most of the time, I think it'd be interesting for the Doctor and Rose to live out a life on Earth together, but like Mickey once said, "That's the Doctor and Rose in the TARDIS". And as it well should be!
Muchas gracias!
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