There have been no rec lists or reaction/rant posts about Once Upon a Time from me because last week I was super busy and today it's 'cause I have no internet at home. :( I've read a few fics on my mobile the past couple of weeks, so if anyone is wondering why I've reviewed, but not rec'd, that's it. I also can't leave super-long reviews like I'm sometimes prone to do as it's not ideal to do so on my mobile... :(
I've even put off on reading
who_in_whoville's Found & Lost because of it. *SOB* I don't mind reading one-shots or short stories as I don't usually leave long reviews for those, but I did since Who's The Lost Day and don't want to break that chain, no matter how much it's killing me as the first chapter of the sequel was just posted, but I don't know how long I'll last... AND I MISS THE GUTTER!!! Two weekends is too much...
Will be reading the one-shots on my list starting tomorrow hopefully, while work is slow.
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