Tennant Tuesday! Oncoming Storm

Oct 22, 2013 00:39

The Doctor will always be protective of Rose, whether she's there or not. We've seen his enemies cower in fear of the Oncoming Storm, but I've never seen the expression as intensely as it is when it comes to Rose's safety.

If someone takes her away from him... heaven's help them. Come on! It took a whole bloody other universe to separate them. As RTD said, "In the end I sort of though we created a companion who was so alive and dynamic and so wedded to the Doctor that you’d need a whole universe to contain her in. The only way to get rid of her is to send her into a parallel world from which she can never return; otherwise she would stay with the Doctor forever."

And the Doctor would have let her.

He kinda turns into Shouty McShout, but sometimes that quiet intensity... *shivers*

Whelps, that's my two cents for today.

Happy Tennant Tuesday/Tenth Doctor Month!

character: 10th doctor, david tennant, pairing: doctor/rose, tennant tuesday

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