Jun 20, 2013 02:39
I finally saw Blade Runner last week! I've been "saving"" it for the right time to watch with a friend for a long time. This is gonna be a pretty chaotic review. (also full of spoilers)
I can see why it's such a cult movie. It was pretty special and gorgeous looking and really impressive with its attention to detail. I was also impressed with how organic and wholesome it was with all of its bizarre details. I don't think that I saw or understood everything in one viewing, but it felt like they knew what they were doing, even if it was always kind of surreal. I mean, sometimes "quirky" (or symbolic) things in movies feel a bit uncontrolled (at least in their effect) and some of them good some of them redundant. And Blade Runner was full of strange things, but they felt equal and all part of a master plan. (and not exactly a plan of logic or even concept, but an aesthetic-emotional plan, yet still very disciplined, and creating intuitive concepts.)
I don't like saying such things (about "American movies"), but it was one of the most artistic American movies I've seen, not that I have a right to claim I know much about art or movies.
I was sad when Zhora died. It was interesting what made those characters lovable. I mean, we barely got to meet Zhora but it was sad when she was killed, and I thought about the details that made her feel like а valuable, beautiful living thing which you didn't want to cease. The whole movie was touching with that. With the quiet in explanations way it made you empathize with the replicants. For me the movie was not just full with, but also about the importance of details. It said: details make you feel one thing is unique and worthy of living. Аnd human. (at least as in "meaninful to humans") (the tests were all about details too)
That world was depressing though, no real chickens and so on. I was glad our world's not like that. The famous line about the tears in the rain was beautiful but but pretty sad too. I don't think I would want to watch it often, at least not alone, even if it was so good. (but maybe I was depressed, not the movie. :))
Also, the movie made me want to have a unique and gorgeous make-up/hairstyle/clothes like the characters did and it made me wonder why we the real people don't wear more various and extreme make up and clothing, but we are so boring and similar. (well, not you Dawn ;))
(I think Harrisson Ford's character was maybe the weak part of the movie for me. Not that he was bad, but I felt he could have been better and more interesting. But maybe it was intentional.)
P.S: (As I'm rereading this I relize it may sound silly that I'm talking about "strange things" when strange is normal for sci fi and part of the strangeness was because of the "future" world they were living in. But I think it wasn't just that.)