(no subject)

Oct 15, 2007 23:39

i think its funny how life turns out sometimes.

the people you never seem to think twice about turn out to be the people who share the most with you.
while the people you put your heart into, turn out being the ones who let you down the most.

classic case of ignorance in not giving some enough credit?
as well as ignorance in allowing yourself to be taken advantage of?

whichever, ive come to appreciate the qualities of some whom i never expected to posess the qualities that they do. im admiring the people that i never noticed before as actual people. im realizing now the reasons i only ever heard stuff ABOUT them and not from them.

maybe i should be more aware of my surroundings.
and more aware of my own qualities.
feels like every day i get two steps closer to where i need to be. and every day i get caught up in something i dont need to be involved in. its a never ending cycle that just keeps rewinding and replaying.

people will speak for themselves. and i have no right to judge. ill learn that.

the corner pieces are down.
puzzles suck!
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