The busy! It's all over the place!
Faire over the weekend, then a short trip to Oregon, and today I'm babysitting. I keep forgetting that we're already half way through the week!
There was late night fun on Friday night, dinner for Jason's birthday, then a movie.
ner0sputnik drove up, we picked up
speedball from work and met Jason, Caroline,
jfl_passion, Aaron, Laura, and some wonderful friends of Jason's who have lovely names that I can't remember. Then we saw Adventureland and
shironiku and
michelle427 joined us.
Got to bed around 2am, then up at 6am for a fun-filled day at Faire.
So we built this net, right, to catch a fairy for the May Queen (like ya' do). And we were lucky enough to find the right people at the right time and present her with her surprise fairies, 2 little girls. As expected when you walk around with a giant net containing two children, this attracted attention. So a little girl comes up and once the fairies have been questioned and released, she informs us that she, too, is a fairy. She's dressed in plain clothes, but has a little wand. The girl must have been 5 or 6, I'm thinkin'. So anyway, we 3 revelers each take a knee surrounding her and introduce ourselves, then commence with the wishing. She helpfully gives us a few ideas on what we should wish for (a treasure chest full of diamonds, a pony... you know the drill) and we begin wishing, after having been instructed to close our eyes because that's where we'd see our wishes. Then the May Queen returns and we introduce her to our new fairy, who offers to grant her a wish. She waste no time in instructing her May Queen in proper wishing technique, holds up her wand and, with all the earnest conviction and little-girl-honesty in the world, tells Claire that she can make her wish because the magic is inside of her. I teared up, a lot, and had to walk away.
I was having an emotional day anyway, for some odd reason. Everything was right at the surface. (Sorry about that, BTW, to
ner0sputnik and
nellythemermaid who had to deal with a very emotional reveler.) And also, sunblock in your eyes is a sucky, sucky thing.
After lunch we played with
igiggedwitdanny, presenting him with identical love letters that he supposedly sent each of us, then demanding that to make it up to us he flatter each of us in turn (very loudly in the street). Nothing rhymes with orange.
After we were done for the day (a little prematurely, he he he, due primarily to some strong libations), we decided that we weren't quite done hanging out yet. So we changed and went back into the Faire as patrons. We went straight to the food court to get our unhealthy snack on (mmmm Sin on a Stick...) and we realized that we were still walking in formation. On top of that, we were all wearing our character colors. Yeah, we rock.
Oh, and Awkward Buttons. We have Awkward Buttons. Dennis is a prince among men. =)
Sunday was fun, too, but all too short as I had to leave after the second Maypole wrap to get to the airport and flit off to Oregon. Oh, and for future reference, flying after a day of Faire with no real shower in between... gross. One highlight of Sunday was being taped for Korean TV. The dude came up to me and
divastar089 camera first while
batosai was being interviewed beside us. He zoomed in on our flowers, then up to our faces, then back down, then back up... never said a word. We just smiled and giggled like fools. Kinda weird.
Oregon on Monday! Saw a few apartments, nothing within walking distance, but we have a fallback place should nothing else pop up. The thing is, the place I liked best only had 2-bedroom units available. I guess a comic book haven/library would be pretty awesome. The weather was changing every 5 minutes. For a while, it was sunny, then it started hailing pretty hard. And after my dad left the airport from dropping me off yesterday morning, it apparently snowed on him all the way home. There were only 16 people on the flight from Eugene to Medford, and then we filled up a bit more before heading down to LAX, but I still got to sit by myself the whole time. Yay!
ner0sputnik was kind enough to pick me up from the airport, 'cause he's ridiculously awesome and
speedball had to work, and we got to hang out all day. Good times.
And I've just realized, I haven't posted any pictures from this year! Neglect! Okay, here you go.
Dennis (as Thadeus),
nellythemermaid, and me.
igiggedwitdanny took this at dress rehearsal.
Opening day. Yeah, I don't know either.
Also from opening day.
This one's from Saturday... I think.