10 things you want:
- The motivation to work diligently on my PhD again, but also the time and ability to spend time on other things
- More technical/scientific knowledge. He who dies with the most wins!
- 36 hour days
- A house, just so I never have to move again
- Lots of books
- Lots of anime
- A larger desk
- A Lenovo laptop
- To have better people skills (not necessarily in general, but toward a few select people)
- A coffee and some sort of delicious biscuit
9 musicians/bands you love(currently):
- Anathema
- Blind Guardian
- Dragonforce
- Hammerfall
- Katatonia
- Manowar
- Powerglove
- Rammstein
- All the fine musicians at OC Remix
8 things you do everyday:
- Hit the snooze button on something making annoying noises at me
- Drink coffee
- Wash my hair
- Check all my web haunts
- Spend too long on hobbies to the neglect of more important things
- Listen to music
- Read something
- Think about something
7 things you enjoy:
- Rainy weather
- A warm bed on a cold day, and no reasons to feel bad for staying in it
- All manner of cakes and pastries, but especially those containing apple-derived goodness
- Good coffee
- Elegant abstraction (hence maths, programming, etc.)
- Understanding things
- Sex
6 things that will always win your heart:
- Glasses
- Shyness
- A few particular styles of clothing
- A good knowledge of and appreciation for geeky culture (video games, anime, comic books, Star Wars/Trek, science fiction literature, cult movies, etc.)
- An appreciation of understanding for its own sake
- Self-confidence and determination
5 favourites:
(For the most part these are "one random favourite of many", because I can't honestly pick just one)
- Movie: Bladerunner
- Song: "Hand of Doom", by Manowar
- Book: Neuromancer
- Food: Pizza
- Season: Winter
4 scents or smells you enjoy:
- Rain
- Coffee
- Freshly baked goodies
- Many of Kirsty's hair products
3 places you want to go:
- Japan
- Ukraine
- Low Earth Orbit
2 Favorite Holidays:
1 person you’d marry on the spot:
- I always used to have an immediate answer to this question, but then things happened, and long standing delusions collapsed, and now I'm not so sure it would be a good idea. So I have to actually think about it! Which makes me appreciate how weird a question it is. I would have to say bunnybraineater.