(no subject)

Mar 14, 2007 19:44

I used a hair removing cream on my legs last night. Haven't done that in years, I usually just shave, but I felt experimental.

Everything would have been okay if I hadn't at some point accidentally gotten some of the cream on my chin/neck area. Let's just say it's not pleasant, it hurt lots and now I have a chemical burn. It isn't really bad, just a red sore area about half the size of my palm, but it's painful and ugly.

Just what I need for the SingSoc formal meal on Saturday. Hopefully it will have healed a little by then and I can cover it up with foundation.

I'm really looking forward to the meal, it was great fun last time and it will be even more fun this year because I know people better. Our conductor Pete is doing the food again, and I'm going to be his assistant chef. Yay! I get to chop veggies and be solely responsible for one fo the desserts (baked cheesecake). It'll be a bit like Masterchef - I've never catered for 60 before I'm looking forward to the experience.

And speaking of the formal, I decided on Monday that I needed a dress. I love my dress I wore last year, but I can't wear it to the same event two years running. At least if I have two I can rotate them. So I mentioned to Pippa that I was going to go shopping, and she immediately got all excited and girly and begged to come with me! Being excited about dress shopping is a bit of an alien concept to me, but I always welcome a second opinion.

So we went to Meadowhall this morning, and I found the dress I wanted in Debenhams.

It's got a little (optional) halterneck strap and a busle-type thing at the back, understated but classy. And I like (and suit) the colour, plus 20% off in the sale! I tried it on in a size 18. It was too big. Unfortunately they didn't have a 16. Grrr. The lady at the till phoned through to the Sheffield shop which it turned out did have a 16 and they held it for me. Phew. I also bought shoes from Faith.

Which will officially kill me. But they are pretty, and on sale! They look much more cream rather than the gold in the picture, but you get the idea.

So after getting a few more things we headed back to Sheffield and found the Debenhams store. And I got the dress, and tried it on just in case. Good job I did, it was too small! I was gutted, and thought I'd have to start my search all over again. But then I thought I could get the bigger dress and have it taken in - there's a dressmakers just around the corner from my house. I called them and she said she'd be able to do it for Saturday, as it was only the bust that needed altering. Then I went back to Meadowhell, got the 18 dress, grabbed lunch and came home.

Actually I went to the dressmaker's before I went home. I explained the situation, and she asked me to put the dress on. I put the dress on. It fitted, which confused me. It's a tiny bit too tight, but in a strapless dress that's not a bad thing, at least it won't fall down.

I guess what happened is that the first dress I tried was actually a 20, but had been labelled 18. And the third dress (the one I finally bought) was really an 18. I'm quite pissed off that I had to make an extra journey, but really happy that a) I got the dress I wanted, and b) I don't have to spend money on getting it altered!

Also I had a fun time with Pippa, who was very patient and persuaded me into the shoes which I would never have chosen but I really like.

It's a masquerade ball theme, so I've customised my own mask. It's silver and glittery and has white feathers. I might even take a pic of it to show you. I'm going to wear my hair down, but I'll curl it rather than letting it fall into my natural waves. I need something simple because I'll have to tie it up when I'm cooking.

I'm quite excited. But currently knackered, after all that trekking around.


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