(no subject)

Aug 10, 2006 14:23

I've got a reply from my department saying that I should try to get some sleep and prepare for my exam tomorrow. They've spoken to the lecturer who would have marked my exam, and we're going to discuss it when I'm feeling better.

I can't decide whether this is good (i.e. I can do the exam another time, or they'll just give me a pass mark anyway) or bad (they'll make me take the module again next year so I won't be able to move on to level 2), but I guess there's no point in even thinking about it.

In other news, Summer is winding me up, especially as I'm not in the best of moods anyway. She's in season so she's bleeding everywhere (I know she can't help it, and I don't mind that so much) but she's being annoying for several reasons. If she's not pacing around panting like she's excited about something (just settle down dog, ffs!), she's licking herself clean and making a load of noise about it, slurp slurp slurp slurp slurp slurp (alright, I know you need to do it, but do it quietly).
And every time I let her out she seems to find a ball of some description out there and then won't come back in when I call her. I watched her today and she went through the hedge into the orchard (she's not allowed in there and she knows it), then through into next-door's garden and stole one of their dog's toys (two balls joined by a rope) and came back through with it. I called her back in and she did come back (slowly). I couldn't then punish her by taking the toy away after she'd obeyed me, so I swapped it for her ball that she's obsessed with but is only allowed to play with occasionally because if you leave her with it, she'll destroy it. I'm going to take the toy back when my neighbour comes home, and apologise if she's taken any others and offer to replace them.
And I'm going to have to get Michael to put some wire at the bottom of the hedge to stop her getting into the orchard. It's annoying because it might interfere with hedgehogs moving about, but i guess we could put some tunnels in there for them so they can still get in and out.

Speaking of hedgehogs, Basil's now eating fine and healing but he's scratching his wound still. I'm going to make him a collar to stop him, that will wind him up. And when I fed Rosey last night I checked in her box because I haven't seen her the last few nights - when I opened the box she hissed at me, almost like a cat! I've never heard that before, I assume it means "Oi, bitch! Piss off! Leave the chicken and piss off!" Ungrateful object - after all I've done for her!

summer, hogs, exams

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