More birdies, sorry!

May 27, 2006 17:52

Went to Walton Dam again this afternoon (just for an hour) , Michael wanted to take some photos of the water and I, as usual wanted to look at birds.

The female swan is still sitting on the nest - she's been there ages so it shouldn't be too long before the cygnets hatch.

Birds today were: tufted duck, mallard, canada goose, coot, moorhen, mute swan, blue tit, great tit, robin, blackbird, chaffinch (singing his little heart out), long tailed tit, nuthatch (such pretty little birds, one came quite close), and star bird of the day (and another tick for me), a lovely male bullfinch which I was very surprised to see but couldn't possibly have been anything else with that bright pink-red breast and black head.

I spotted 5 juvenile starlings in the garden ealier, being fed by attentive parents. I'm expecting a lot more any time soon. I'd better stock up on cheap bread and sultanas!

My sinuses continue to play up (I can't breathe unless I use the decongestant stuff), and my face is itchy and sore. I've also had some twingy stomach pains, but it's just irritating really. I need to be rid of this by the weekend for our Evensong, my throat's not sore like yesterday but it feels a little closed up, and my singing voice sounds strange to me.

Well better get on with dinner...


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