Warriors for Innocence // LJ Strikethrough '07

May 30, 2007 01:23

Ok, so there are a number of people on my f-list who probably don't care about this. Others, like Andrew (hi Andrew) might care just for the sake of what's happening right now. A group calling themselves Warriors for Innocence is cracking down on so-called pedophilia and related crimes on LJ. I, along with most lj users, think pedophilia is wrong. Period. However, a lot of fandom sites are being targeted for fanfiction and such. Also communities like Lolita dicussion groups. Seriously. LJ, I love you. Please stop being so stupid about this. I support the deletion of pedophiliac sites, but I don't agree with all these fan sites being targeted without cause. I know a lot of fanfiction is not to people's tastes. Tentacles, yaoi, abuse, bondage. You have a fetish? It's in fanfiction. There are so many fandom circles that are weird and kinky, but that doesn't make them illegal or in violation of the TOS.

I'm not articulate. So: links! YAY!

1. Warriors for Innocence post
2. liz_marcs entry 1
3. liz_marcs email exchange
4. Deleted journal and communities
5. Community against WFI
6. Discussion

If I come across anything else interesting/useful etc, I'll update. Please protect your fandoms. :)

strikethrough 07, warriors for innocence

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