Title: Paper Heart
Length: One-shot
Genre: Angst
Summary: Jaejoong's spending his first birthday in 3 years w/o Yunho, & he's still getting over it. When he resolutes to be strong & forget about it, Yunho messages him & call him up. Will he get swayed again?
A/N: dedicated to
ernieduckie who gave the prompt 'paper'! <3 Sorry for the delay, hun. Anyway, I'll try
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I... goddamnit, you can make those short passages into a song, and I'd listen to it over and over. I think jae's lying to himself, lying that he wants to forget yunho, but he just can't, he's just deceiving himself. he doesn't want to feel the pain, but it's there to remind him of it again and again. I guess it takes a lot of time to forget someone, however, if that someone has taken such a major place in your heart, so deeply rooted into the depths of your heart and mind, it'll never be possible to forget that person... would it? yunho must have hurt him really, really badly here, and I feel bad for him. when you wrote all those smileys, I was thinking, "jae, you're writing down all these cheerful smiles, but on your face, all I can imagine is a smile that contains too many tears, a smile that's forced, a smile that can't conceal everything you've gone through." I just... D: baby, I'm so stressed now. I know that I shouldn't be spotting this, but.... I don't know. D: forgive me. I absolutely adored the last line. /sighs
I miss you so, so, so much that I feel like crying, really. I keep checking your journal for updates and crap but I don't see anything and I feel so much disappointment. ;____________;
you, are just so important to me that I don't know what to say when I comment sometimes. )':
Anyway, baby, I'm so sorry that I keep MIA-ing ): I know you're very stressed too -reads your angsty drabbles. I just replied a considerably lengthy email to you, go check it out soon yes? :) I'm so sorry but I tend to get rather naggy sometimes, so please do bear with me.
I love you tons & plenty, hun ♥♥♥♥♥
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