Status of the Quasi-Asian: Incomplete Sentence Version.

Jun 14, 2009 22:52

Ah. Another few months have passed. Lemme catch you guys up. -Now living in Antioch to give a few people a hand. Long commute, but at least I'm getting caught up on my podcasts. And I get to see my friends more often. And I'm paying less than I did at the old place. Which means more can go to my first house. Also, I am seemingly fond of sentence fragments. -I am settling into my new job. Which is an awesome job. For 5 people. We have 3.5. (The one and a half-person, for those of you who are wondering, is calculated thus: 1 contractor with limited access + 1 person who is usually out = .5 of a totally effective person.) This has caused me to be incredibly busy. Which I'm fine with. -I will be out and about for a good part of the next 30 days. This whirlwind tour may include: *Southern California *Northern Oregon *Southern Washington *Eastern Florida *Somewhere in North Carolina This does not suggest that I'll make it to all of these places. I have, however been a) invited and b) inclined to at least seriously consider the invitations. -My social circle is expanding, contracting, and other position-based verbs. This is both awesome and disconcerting. Call dibs now and follow up with me if you'd like to be part of the expansion/application. -THIS IS NOT A PLEA FOR ATTENTION so much as a poll. *taptaptap* Is this thing on? If you're following, I'd like to know and I don't want to leverage LJ-based tools that I should or should not have access to to see who clicks past the cut-tag. Seriously folks. You don't need to fluff my ego. I'm just determining signal-to-reception effectiveness here. -I'm still massaging. And was gifted a massage of my own. Which was awesome. And made about half an hour go poof. If this is what I get to hand out to willing recipients, I feel suddenly totally okay with lugging that table around. -My birthday is coming up. I may throw a party. It may be a less-than-open invite. Time'll tell. How're you guys doin' out there? -R
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