State of the Quasi-Asian: 2009 - The Year of New Beginnings (AAAAAUGH!!!!)

Jan 06, 2009 10:28

I'm on hold with IPass here, so I think I'm safe taking a moment or twelve to put things in a non-bulletpointed form.

First, as I'm sure word's gotten around, I might as well beat you all to the punch (belatedly) by announcing that I am presently self-identifying as "Single". Not "It's Complicated", not "In a Not-Quite Relationship". Single. As in paying attention to myself and my needs and, if need be, ignoring the urges to cover for others. Nothing is wrong, per se. But there isn't enough "right" from my point of view to qualify as satisfactory. So I'm addressing that while I have the luxury to do so.
This isn't anything personal. I don't love any of you any less because I'm not willing to pay your way for dinner or a movie without some sort of pre-agreed arrangement of some sort of reciprocation. Let's face it; in today's fiscal environment, I simply can't.
Additionally, I'm going to be attending to my own personal and emotional needs. I've had a hard day? I'm going to either hermit in and blow up pixelated badguys™ or spend time with friends. I'm feeling tactile and lonely? I'll go find someone who's comfortable (and I'm comfortable with) to get my snuggle on. I wanna go play pool? I'm gonna go play pool. Feel free to come along.
If I need help, I'll ask for it. If any of you need or want help, you're going to need to ask for it outright; just about any non-verbalized request is going to get passed over.

Of course, all bets are off if I offer. Which I may, out of habit and desire. Similarly, I may take people up on offers more often.

Speaking of verbalizing my requests, allow me to segue into one of the more recent and potentially existence rocking development.

I have been working under the assumption that I would be staying in the quaint-yet-overpriced-and-inaccessible-to-anyone-other-than-a-resident apartment I've been in for the past 8ish months. That being said, recent developments have all but required my roommate to head into other living situations. Being a trooper, and a Friend as those in my circle define such capitalized words, he won't leave me in a lurch. But I've wanted to move into a house, anyways; the room and separation I prefer almost require it.
So. I'm in the market for a house, and a housemate. Or housemates. I have an almost heroic amount of stuff. A healthy amount of which will have to go "away". But once I've got a good idea of where I might actually be setting down even shallow roots, with someone who can afford to live with me, I may be inclined to fully unpack my stuff.

Lastly, in the midst of all this, I'm in the process of trying to reconnect with those who had fallen by the wayside. This week is presently spent visiting or being visited by those who I haven't caught up with very well or very recently.
We'lll see how long I can keep up this pace before I settle down for a nice, long, hermiting retreat.

And work's still eating me. Heh. Damnit.

More as I can carve out the time.

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