So How Many of You Remember L.O.R.D.?

Mar 04, 2008 14:42

Yeah, I'm feeling my age. I remember Legend of the Red Dragon, one of the first BBS DOORS that let me fight a slew of silly bad guys and monsters, feed a bard, and flirt with the wonderful Grizzelda.

And then it was available online as Legend of the Green Dragon. And I lost a few total hours playing it between calls.

Now? Now there's Improbable Island. Which is a cute little webapp that took the code (available online for free) and just went buggy with it.

Mad Scientists.
Co-Op and Competitive Play.

And for those of you who want to see an example of play The Jungle
"O HAI!"

You spin around, towards the voice. A walrus stands before you, holding a bucket.

"No," you whisper. "You're not real. You're from the Internet."

"CAN HAS BUKKIT?" roars the Lolrus, before reaching into his bucket and throwing a fish at you.

It smacks wetly against your head.
~ ~ ~ Fight ~ ~ ~
You have encountered The Lolrus which lunges at you with a bukkit!

The Lolrus's Hitpoints (Level 1): 10
YOUR Hitpoints: 11
The Lolrus surprises you and gets the first round of attack!

The Lolrus tries to hit you but MISSES!
End of Round:
The Lolrus's Hitpoints (Level 1): 10
YOUR Hitpoints: 11

I mean, seriously. How can you go wrong?

Here. Have a referal link.

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fluff, gaming, improbable island

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