another super update

Oct 28, 2012 03:34

hi everyone! it's been really hard for me to update my blog recently due to work and limited internet access. there have been a lot that has been happening lately, and to tell you all the truth, i can't even remember some of them. i do have pictures so... i'll just tell you all about these pictures are. (^_^) we will start with the albums.

1st SFC Big West Conference

we are all proud to say that we are the pioneer members who attended the conference. (^_^) the venue as at my alma mater, Miriam College. There were 3 talks, praise fest, mass and dances. i also bought shirts, but no pictures yet of the shirts. you will all see them in my future pictures. (^_~)

next, the birthday celebration of Rex, our manager, and also the quarter celebration of our company since we reached our quota for this quarter. yosh! it was all a treat from our boss, James. thank you! (^_^) the pictures will tell it all.

next, pictures i have "edited"

there has been an on going campaign to lessen the garbage and plastic usage around the world. it's now advised to bring your own bag for groceries and stuff, or they use paper bags. one particular establishment took it a notch higher. the design of their paper bag is a copy of a painting by a filipino painter. really awesome! i couldn't throw the paper bag because it was eye-candy for me. i kept it for myself. (^_~)

second picture? it involves cold treats! korean ice cream, because my friend at office wanted to try it for the first time. the second treat? earl grey ice cream! no kidding (^_^) best only when served cold though. if it melts, it's not that enjoyable anymore. then again, that's just me. it was the first time a tested this flavor in an ice cream. i mean, i drink earl grey tea, but ice cream? i just had to try. (^_^)

you have all heard of the sandwich shop Subway right? well... i only at there recently and i realized ho much i as missing! hehehe! the sandwich as just great. i would definitely buy there at least once a week. (^_^) i am so behind with a lot of stuff so don't be surprised hen you see "first time" in my entries. (^_^)

rarely do i go to Starbucks because i have this notion that drinks and food are overpriced there. but i do admit that there is that rare moment that you think you just really deserve it after busy days and stressful tasks. (^_^) choco-glazed donut and strawberry and cream frappe. (^_^)

our team leader treated us to frozen margarita and snacks is celebration of those e have hired for the client company, kampai! (^_^) yes, another first time for me. (^_^)

and lastly, friday was a holiday here. but i went to work for half day. i jut had to take a picture of myself. i don't know why, i just had a feeling i had to. (^_~)

there are so many things i missed telling in this entry, but as i said earlier, i can't remember the other events anymore. please forgive me. m (_ _) m

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