Dude. Joss Whedon had better check it out, cause Kripke is making a play for the throne!

Apr 02, 2009 21:39

And if the entry title didn't clue you in this post will have spoilers for tonight's episode of Supernatural.

With exclamation points.

Holy, holy, holy crap!!!!!

I don't think this one had a wrong note. And I'm going to take my glee in semi-chronological order so as to not show favoritism.

Sam and Dean as MIB's in the comic shop was good. The comic book guy thinking they were LARPing was better. The cover of the books with Mother Effing Fabio was best! I wonder which one he was supposed to be. I'm kinda thinking Sam because of Sam's epically floppy hair.

Oh my God! The reactions to the books. The reactions to the fans!! Slash!!! ♥♥

"They know we're brothers, right?"
"I don't think it matters."

!!!! Yay!!!!! ^_____^ ♥♥♥♥♥

The Fangirl! Calling them "My Boys"! The fandom quiz! The Tattoo!!

And I've gotta say I like Chuck, I hope to see him again. I like that he was a sceptic, even with the Impala and the guns. I really just like Chuck.

I love the self-fulfilling prophecy of the newest "book". Dean's accident, and "seeing stars", and the little pink band-aids all made me gleeful; while Sam's research via Chuck made me wince (in the good way). Chuck knowing about the demon blood and not wanting to write about it because he wants to save Sam's character is love. And Sam finally having someone say to his face, "it's wrong", is also a good thing. The fact that he doesn't seem to listen makes me want to bang my head on the wall, but at least the truth is out there.

Castiel! I love you. Please, please keep being just as awesome as you are in this ep. Please.

The fact of Chuck as a prophet is awesome, and amazing. I was wondering if we were going to make mention of the fact that Saviors (yes, the kind with a capital) usually have there deeds recorded for posterity.

The Winchester Gospel. I would read that. Especially since it's filled with sex, and rock 'n' roll. I would totally read that.

Sam is an idiot. But at least his heart seems to be in the right place. And the fact that Castiel and Dean are apparently having conversations offscreen and between eps. fills me with more glee than I thought possible.

No, I tell a lie Dean *praying* and Cas *answering* fills me with even more massive amounts of glee. And then Cas telling Dean *exactly why he couldn't help with Lillith's seduction. Yay! ♥

Chuck is not a hero. We are all aware of this. Dean's "come and join the good fight speech" was awesome, but Chuck only being convinced to help by Dean's "I will drop you where you stand" speech" was more believable.

Darn it. I was really hoping to see an Archangel. Hopefully they'll cash that chip later.
Along with whatever it was that Chuck saw. BTW - Zachariah, you are nifty even when you're being a dick.

So there it is. Wow, that was longer than I thought it would be.

i like t.v., supernatural

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