Two in as many days. Huh.

Oct 04, 2008 22:00

Yup, already, the next part of "Roundabout". Then again, it's just that short.


#15 - peace

It’s Lily who finds them the next morning.

She’s been awake or half conscious most of the night, but as the sun begins its’ slow creep over her windowsill, she finds herself unwilling to get out of bed. In fact she is struggling not to pull the covers up over her head like a seven year old. She would really much rather bury her head in the warm sunshine colored fabric surrounding her than face whatever the increasingly psychotic world she lives in has in store. In bed it is warm, and comfy, and safe. In bed there is no reason to run straight into the arms of today’s life threatening danger masquerading as some malformed monster that feeds off of the fear of normal people. In bed she doesn’t have to confront upset teammates, or grieving masters, or jerky costumers, who wanted their Anchovy Surprise without the anchovies, “if you could sweetie”.

Lily huffs out a breath in amusement. What she wouldn’t give for the worst part of her day to be stupid, inconsiderate costumers that she could politely, and happily kick to the curb at 10:00 sharp.

‘Instead’, she thinks as she gives in and kicks off the blankets, ‘I get anxiety over whether my master is about to go off the deep end because he may have killed his father, who was trying to kill all of us against his will. Yup, a Power Ranger, that’s what I want to be when I grow up.’ Lily laughs mirthlessly to herself as she pulls a long sleeved black shirt with a small yellow star on it over her head.

‘God, I hope this doesn’t break us.’ She thinks as she brushes her hair back into a ponytail. ‘We can’t let this break us. None of the master’s would ever forgive us.’

She takes a deep breath, and leaves her small sun-filled sanctuary to meet the new day head on. And stops two steps out of the hallway at the sight before her.

R.J. and Casey, curled together so tightly that even though they’re both in their Ranger colors, (‘and fully clothed’ a small, shallow part of her mind notes unhappily) it’s difficult to tell where one ends and the other begins. Casey is flat on his back on the practice mats with R.J. curled around, and on top of him; the older man’s head resting on the younger’s shoulder, Casey head resting in the crook of R.J.’s arm.

Lily stares for a moment, struck by how peaceful they seem. For a wretched, horrible minute she is unutterably jealous of the comfort these two exude without effort.

‘Huh, so death is all it takes for them to get together. Who knew.’ The thought is stupid and selfish, and she feels ashamed as soon as it crosses her mind. These are her friends, and she’s relieved to see R.J. at peace for even a moment; and Casey, who feels every defeat, every loss, as a personal failure, deserves all that he can get too.

Lily moves as quietly as she has ever done, as she skirts around the mats and up the stairs to the kitchen. First one up makes the coffee, and if she’s learned anything about her teammates it is that every single one of them would cross the Sahara for a good cup of coffee in the morning. The day will begin in earnest soon, but for now she will let the other’s hide in their blankets, and guard her friends as they comfort each other, unknowingly.

Lily waits for the coffee to perk and smiles slightly. If it is a little strained, or if her eyes are slightly damp, well, there is no one to notice except the two men she keeps watch over.

These characters do not belong to me. I am poor and own nothing. Darn it.

There ya go. As always feedback is made of hugs and puppies.

prsw22, slash, roundabout, r.j./casey

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