In Memory - Reflecting on the Past

Sep 11, 2011 19:52

It's hard to believe it's been 10 years. It doesn't feel like it's was just yesterday, but it doesn't feel like it's been 10 years. I still remember exactly what happened to me that day. The only thing I can't remember is my school schedule (pesky numbers and all), but I remember the events themselves. I remember the video on TV, the buildings, I remember how I feel.

I wrote this poem on 9/11 today. I usually just come up with something short, but this year, maybe it's because it's been 10 years, but I wrote a very long poem today about remembering 9/11. The rest of it is behind my LJ cut along with a photo of a part of the 9/11 memorial that opened today. That memorial looks beautiful. I'm watching a program that's showing how it's made now.

Two towers of light,
Twin beans that reach the sky.
A reminder to all.
A message to all.
What happened
On this hallowed ground.

Two towers of light,
Twin beans that reach the sky.
A reminder to all.
A message to all.
What happened
On this hallowed ground.

For all who see these lights,
They remind us
To remember the events.
To remember the people.
Lights that connect to the heavens
While our tears touch the ground.

For the world who see these lights,
They tell them
To never forget,
That we remember.
Images of horror.
Feelings of disbelief.
Lights that ask the world
To reflect.

And these lights that reach the heavens
Tell those above
That we haven't forgotten.
We remember.
We reflect.
We grieve.
We rise up.
We comfort.
We love.

These lights send the message
From loved ones who've lost.
But most of all…
It sends the message of

These twin lights
Give way
To remember it all.
And through the wounds may heal,
We shall always see the scars.
Scars filled with two columns
Of never-ending light,
A light of reflection.
A light of hope.
A light of peace.

Lights mixed with tears and hope,
Sorrow and heroes,
Among a scarred ground
And pools of memories.
Among trees of hope,
Among waterfalls of voids,
Rise two lights
That forever reaches the sky.
A reflected memory
Surrounded by a nation,
Who still grieve
And still hope.

Two beams of light
That touches the sky,
A reminder to all.
A message to all.
What happened
On this hallowed ground.

sept 11, in memory

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