I finished the edit! The manuscript with this round of edits for Faerie Fate is winging it's way back to my editor! w00t! *Snoopy happy dances around the room* FINALLY! Now I can get back on track with things. Here's my author's to-do list:
1) Polish Faerie Fire, book 2 of the Tir Nan Og trilogy, and get it submitted to Wild Rose;
2) Finish Waltzing Matilda and start critique process;
3) Revise Shadow Dance (again);
4) Start Faerie Fool, the final book in Tir Nan Og.
I'm also chomping at the bit to start revising Season of the Witch. I still believe in The Penumbra Papers series. And then there are the single titles hanging out there - Cowgirls Don't Cry and Road Trip. All I need is time. *headdesk*
We won't even discuss my TBR pile. *cringe*
In the meantime, check out
PENUMBRA. Sunday Sinema is a tribute to the Superbowl. Today is February 1, the start of this month's contest, "Share The Love." Once again, it's simple. Just leave a comment on any post for a chance to win. Your name will be entered each time you comment so do it often for a better chance to win a
$25.00 Gift Certificate from the Greater Good Network Store.
See ya'll around. This bleary-eyed soul is gonna put on the brisket and flop until the big game starts!