so it's no longer friday but here ya go anyway...

Mar 05, 2006 15:51

The Friday Five for 03.03.06
I'm Hot For Teacher

1. Who was your favorite all time teacher(s)? Mr. Straka, Mrs. Silver, Mrs. Smalley, Mrs. Levine, Mrs. Knowles, Mrs. Pennington
2. What did they teach? Programming, Pre-AP English, AP Calculus, Math, History, History
3. What is your best memory from that class? goofing off and being with all my friends
4. Did you ever have a crush on a teacher and if so who? nope
5. What is the craziest/wildest/weirdest thing you (or someone you know) ever did at school? The most fun thing I think was climbing on the roof in the middle of the night...or having an ice/snowball fight during lunch.
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