And the award goes to... KissKat79 for her poem
! Congrats! *pats self on back*
your ploy won't work on me
your little gambit
to make me talk
i know what you're doing
it's written
all over your face
verbal joists of joviality
building foundations of friendship
persistant lover
i will balk and evade
and i'll look away
charming cozener
perpetually single-minded
if i give you my number
will you just go away?
oh no, it's not you
it's me: i don't like you
Attack of the Hutts, part VIII
(The underground hanger, countless klicks from the nearest cantina)
The ship, Lol'Ooh Ghee'Tay's ship, was a sleek and gleaming little
craft. It was silver, with two wings that gracefully curved out from
the slim body. It resembled some sort of avian, mechanized and yet
living, if life could ever be applied to a machine. There was some
sort of flowing script the color of lightest gold traced into the
body. Visually, the ship was beautiful.
But there was something else. The pain noises it had been making
a moment ago now changed to a deep humming throb and it called to
K'iska. It sang to her and made some wild thing dance in her blood
until she felt like purring too.
There was the merest brush of cool skin against her arm just before
she was pulled behind the bulk of a rusting generator. K'iska turned
and Lol put a slim blue finger to her lips. She then drew her blaster
and, using a series of old gestures, indicated it was time.
K'iska nodded once and the black pupils of her eyes dilated, looking
like round black moons set in a golden honey sky. She hefted a blaster
pulled from her boot. A pointed ear twitched underneath the hood of her
black cloak as she stood.
It was time to liberate the shining beauty that sat before them.
To be continued...
Tales Of The Hunter Bon soir, ma petite!