Rush Limbaugh is a sad, fat fucking pile of dog shit who apparently needed some ratings this week.

Feb 22, 2011 22:51

Or, "How Allison got her outrage back."

Rush Limbaugh doesn't think Michelle Obama is fit to fight obesity.

This man makes me want to throw up. And I am flabbergasted that he is flat-out making things up -- he says Obama is "demanding that everyone basically eat cardboard and tofu -- no calories, no fat, no nothing, gotta stop obesity."

I guess he's referring to the campaign to improve childhood lunches, which promises "dramatic changes." Meaning, kids will start getting more nutritious food at school. Yeah, that sounds like it sucks.

He then goes on to call her a hypocrite for eating short ribs with her children while on vacation, and says she is not practicing what she preaches. I'm assuming he didn't watch the same Today show interview that I watched two weeks ago, where Obama said she has always been about moderation and says she understands that it is not realistic to tell people to completely give up their favorite junk foods.

Yeah. When you see me enjoying a night out in a restaurant, most of the time you're gonna see me noshing on something ridiculous and likely fattening. But my everyday diet, I'm packing in the fruits, vegetables and grains and eating lean meats. That's why eating out is a "treat."

So here's the best part. He then says Obama isn't fit to lead this campaign in the first place because "our first lady does not project the image you might see on the cover of the Sports Illustrated issue." Right. So, the Sports Illustrated cover models, who were largely granted their almost-impossible hourglass figures through the lucky genetic draw, are the only standard of "fit" we should all aspire to, and anyone who is a larger, normal-sized frame is a fat fuck.

I think one of the reasons I am taking such offense to this is because I myself am not super-skinny, and I never will be. I weigh about 145 pounds right now, and I'm 5'5", which means I am barely within the "correct" BMI range. I am probably about the same size as Michelle Obama, with all the similar thick curves.

However, I am one of the most fit people you'll ever meet, outside of professional trainers and athletes. I teach four fitness classes a week. I can go harder, kick higher, and jump higher than anyone else there including other instructors, all while cuing and shouting and encouraging others to work harder. I regular have people approach me after class, including college & professional athletes, to say things like "I love your class, because you work so hard and it makes me want to work harder" and "Goddamn girl, where do you get all that energy?" In muscle classes, I use more weight on my bar than the men who come in. I can leg press the entire fucking weight stack at the gym, for God's sake, and that's 320 pounds.

In addition, my vital signs are good. Now that I'm away from my old job, my blood pressure has gone back down to its normal 110-120/60-70 range. My resting heart rate is around 50 (60-80 is average, and athletic people will have an even lower rate because their heart becomes more efficient at pumping blood). During my last physical, my doctor said, "I definitely believe that you watch what you eat and work out six days a week, because you have the best cholesterol levels of any patient I've ever seen."

The point is, I may not be an SI swimsuit model, but I am superfit and more than qualified to speak on behalf of fitness. And even though I don't have inside knowledge about how cardiovascularly fit Michelle Obama is, I think she probably takes care of herself just fine, while some of those professional models he speaks of probably get winded after a short run or couldn't even carry the damn camera used at their photo shoot.

I usually ignore Rush Limbaugh, but really, this was a good one. I don't see how any clear-minded human being could have listened to this and thought there was an ounce of credibility to his words. It's not even a political thing -- I would be just as annoyed regardless of who spewed it. I just think if you're going to attack something, at least have a decent argument to support it.
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