Aug 10, 2010 22:27
So, the joint pain is bad. Moreso than it has been. It's gotten to the point where I think that I will have to reduce my dosage. I don't notice the pain when I teach -- maybe because I'm so distracted by everything I have to do? -- but I am now noticing it during regular workouts. My back hurts pretty much all the time. The lower back has a dull ache to it, but the upper back/shoulders have more of a sharp pain whenever I attempt to turn/twist. If I lean my head back far, my neck gives out and I have to use my hands to to prop it back up. But the worst is probably my Achilles. If I'm wearing flats for more than about 30 minutes, I start to have trouble walking -- it feels like if I try to flex my heels, then the tendons will snap. Not that I think they would, but I don't know how else to describe the sharp, stretching pain back there.
So, going on a looong roadtrip while you're on this drug is not recommended. I went to Kansas City this weekend (for Hanson, naturally), and the long, cramped car rides/subsequent running around all day pretty much killed me. During the show Saturday night, we settled in an area that had a wide ledge running along the back wall, and during my lesser-liked songs, I had to lie down for awhile. Yeah. I LAID DOWN DURING A HANSON SHOW. I feel like I should be ashamed, sort of. During the drive back on Sunday, I wanted to be home and stretched out on my bed so badly that I almost cried. We ended up getting home around 10 on Sunday night, and though I did stay up a few hours to get settled, I slept until one in the afternoon the next day. ONE. I haven't done that since college.
I have already bought my 80MG doses for this month, but luckily (maybe), because I've forgotten/skipped several pills, I have some extras to go through before I open a new package. I think I may return the 80MG, since they're unopened, and call my doctor to request the 60MG, as she had suggested we might do the last time I visited. Not sure how that works with the iPledge program, though. My other option is to adjust the pills to have it even out to about 60MG a day... perhaps one 40MG pill one day and two 40MG pills the next, and alternate from there... we'll see.
This shit has worked wonders for my skin, but I am going to be so glad when I'm finished.