Feb 26, 2005 03:02

Hey!!! I've got another post up!! Number 2! In......like...3 months or so.....Hahahah! Told you I don't do these often...but I've started slowly on my other website...ANYwho, So it's now spring break, and I'm back. I'm glad to be back, though I wish everyone else was too, it'd make this more fullfilling. But I'm glad taht I'll be able to see the friends taht are here. Haven't seen me friend Musty since August. So yeah, can't wait. Probably gonna see him today, and at least my friend Nick with a movie! w00t for movies!

Well, I'm gonna try and keep this going and make it a thing to do more often. Though I'd like to change my layout and stuff like other people have it...that'd be so awesome! Anywho, have a great day.
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