Heh, forgot to add this.
How to make a silverinshadows
5 parts mercy
5 parts crazyiness
5 parts
Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Serve with a slice of fitness and a pinch of salt. Yum!
Personality cocktailFrom
Go-Quiz.com Hahahaha, I love this. I was reading it and was like. Hmm...how to make Silverinshadows....5 parts mercy.....true, I've been known to feel as such...5 parts craziness......Oh yeah!! Definately a handful of that!! 5 parts..........
I just couldn't stop after that....5 parts!! It's like..."Hey barkeep, one silverinshadows!!" "Aye, 5 parts mercy, 5 parts craziness, and 5 parts....yeah...5 parts, whatever ya want.....as long as it's 5 of the same thing. 5 parts pie, 5 parts of a plant, an engine, a human! Doesn't matter!" That's what I thought when I read taht...so yeah, just a last thought.