It's obviously an evil plot

Sep 10, 2008 12:28

There are three major grocery stores in or in near proximity to Manassas: Shoppers, Giant, and Safeway. All three of these stores send out weekly ads in the mail to the surrounding area. Usually, all three ads show up in MY mail on the same day. HOWEVER, all three of these stores use a different day to mark the beginning/ending of their promotional sales. Which means that virtually every time I need to go shopping, ONE of the flyers has expired and no new one has come in the mail to replace it! (Today it's Safeway, which is annoying 'cause that's where I go when I have a lot of stuff to buy, since if you're a member and spend over $50 at once, you get 20 cents off their gas price, which makes it really convenient to go shopping and fill up the car at the same time. But I win, 'cause I looked them up online.)

I think it's a deliberate plot to make it harder to shop at all three of them on the same day comparing prices in the middle of the week! Grrr. XP


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