Next Italian film I'm watching

Dec 13, 2008 12:39

It's called "Come Dio comanda" (As God commands) and it's inspired by Ammaniti's novel. Ammaniti is an author of very high-quality puplp stories, and very much influenced by Stephen King (as they keep telling me: I must confess I haven't read one single King novel, apart from an adaptation of Misery for beginner English learners :D).
His stories are usually set in the province and focus on horrible things happening to completely normal people... in this case the plot revolves around the symbiotic relation between a father and his son. The father teaches his son hateful things like racism and never trusting others, and they kind of live in an isolated context with only one friend - a very damaged man who spends most of his time creating a weird crèche in his house o_O

somebody will have to write some incest smut for me because, the boy? Totally adorable ♥

Here's the trailer - I LOVE that they used Robbie Williams' "She's The One", it sounds so WRONG *_*

Oh, by the way, here's what they say before the music starts: 
Papà? Papà? Sono io, sono Cristiano (Dad? It's me, Cristiano)
Mannaggia alla puttana, le cose che ci diciamo non le devi dire a nessuno! (For fuck's sake, you mustn't tell any of the things we talk about!)
Se ci dividono io... (If they take you away, I... - [talking about social workers]) ♥♥♥

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