Weather rant

Jun 27, 2007 23:49

I will never, ever take summer breeze for granted anymore!

Two days ago there have been 46° here (that would be 114 Fahrenheit degrees) but the thing is, it lasted all day! There were 40° at fucking NIGHT! And it was- well, HORRIBLE.
I seriously thought I might faint since we only have one air conditioner in my parents' bedroom, and I happen to *hate* air conditioners because they make my throat sore. Besides I had to study so I walked from room to room with my books looking for a bearable place like a zombie.

Now that we're back to the ordinary 35° I'm so happy. I know it sounds silly, but I felt like I'd never experience a normal day again. It's almost midnight now, and I'm enjoying the gentle breeze seeping through the curtains with this big smile on my face. Wow!

I've finished translating Underwater Light! SQUEEE!! That was an amazing adventure :D
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