This is the year I want everything to change. By the end of it, I want to be an urban dweller again, and in my first-very-own-all-by-myself-big-girl-apartment (I have always been a late bloomer), and I also want to be writing. Every day.
I haven't always been good at that, either.
So I made myself a
writing LJ and I signed up for a
year-long writing challenge and I have all fingers firmly crossed (when they're not going typety typety typety, natch!) I'd love some feedback.
However, I'm aware that what I write is probably pretty tame. I don't write Real Person Fiction (ok ok, there was that adolescent excursion into cliché-ridden, self-insertion fics starring Duran Duran, but that was a millennia ago), and I rarely go beyond a PG rating. I'm dull, pedestrian, and schmaltzy.
But what I absolutely love about fiction (all fiction, all media) are characters, and what I love about characters are who they are to themselves, inside their secret souls, all their interior dialogues and how all these things cause them to interact with each other. Maybe I'm a prude, because although physical interactions are definitely a part of that, and I've read some extremely well-written bedroom scenes that gave me great insights into the characters I'm reading, I rarely want that as the full meal. It's just spice, and thank you.
No, what I need as a steady diet, what draws me back to certain characters and gets me addicted to certain stories, are the emotions. I am an emotion junkie. I crave fiction that makes me feel and I will always choose that sort over anything that merely titillates. I love the perfectly drawn glance that makes my own heart twinge, the death in the ninth chapter that makes me sob, the movie that captures me so fully I have to sit through the credits, unable to leave.
That's what I love to consume, and so that's what I try to write, too. Maybe not so successfully, but I always hope for improvement.
So if you happen to read a bit of something I wrote, and it brings a smile instead of a yawn, or you have a suggestion as to what's lacking, I'd love a comment telling me why. I acknowledge that my writing might very likely languish in a little-read backwater. That's ok. I still need to write it, still need to start using my true voice.
I'm a late-bloomer, who would thrive with an occasional vote of confidence, but I'm going to keep on, in any case.