One Piece Shabondy / Sabaody Picspam

Nov 23, 2011 18:46

This is so, so late. Really sorry DX we did this photoshoot the day after Animania (where we actually wore these cosplays), which was a couple of months ago lol.

Thanks Quake for these photos!

Robin's Sabaody outfit was super-easy - it was really just alteration work on the top that I did in one day (sewing on the printed collar and the belly-chain etc). I already had the purple cowboy hat readily prepared from when I made her default outfit ages ago. The hardest part was just finding pants in the same color as the top & hat XD

I've seen cosplayers do this outfit in both purple and black, and decided on the purple palette since the anime colors were fairly purplish and it's very much Robin's color anyway.


Harmony/myself as Robin | Jeremy as Luffy | Frances as Nami | Luke as Zoro | xiao_huli_chan as Sanji | rayfy_chan as Usopp | minhhhhh as Franky | Winnie as Brook | Chopper as himself!
Photography by Bubby and Quake (thank you!).

Our lovely navigator.

(Boys will be boys xD)

Usopp is ready for more adventuring.

The epic crew!


Sanji gets all the ladies.

A thoughtful Luffy.

Zoro action shot!

The bounty on everyone's heads.

Awesome Straw Hats are awesome. xD

Also, the obligatory bonus .gif:

A very special thank you to my group - this was one of the most fun cosplay groups I've ever been invited to be a part of!

After this I'll post a Brisnova aftermath entry, which is also late (sorry :P).

~ Harmony

cosplay, photoshoot, one piece

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