Copypasta'd from dA, I know xD
Don't forget to pick up the mX today, you may see some familiar faces in costume ;) here's the cosplay photograph of us that was featured; I finished sewing the Sandplay costume like 1am before this was taken.
Thank you so much to Kenny for giving us this wonderful opportunity to represent cosplay to the public!!
mewtwo2222 and
athira in their amazing costumes - and myself as
Meiko, Sandplay version.
UPDATE 21/03: Went to Mini (not that I went in) to see everyone. :D Baked cookies & cake with
caimekazie and
aegwynn_aran and parked ourselves on the benches outside the door and distributed them xD I huggled everyone I could. You guys had some amazing cosplays, it made me wish I'd cosplayed too! *A* And congrats to the AWESOME darlings who got through WCS and won prizes in the cosplay comp! ♥
~ Harmony