Before anything else, just wanted to say what an awesome time it was hanging with all of you guys who went to the Reporn Meetup yesterday! You were all totally EXTREME!!! We don't have any pics to post up unfortunately coz both of us didn't bring cameras (one day soon Silver will get a DSLR >_<).
This was also the first time that we went to a cosplay outing of this kind, and we had a blast. Thanks so much to Shou-chan and Byakuran-sama for organising such a successful event ^w^
Anyhow some of you asked about the Halloween outing that we wrote about in
our last post. Since a lot of people expressed interest, it is now definitely on. Here are the details:
Date: Halloween - Friday 31st October
Time: 6:30pm?
Place: Capitol Square at a restaurant called Yumei.
Dress: Casual / Halloween costumes / Cosplay
So basically it's just a dinner where we can chat and spaz over fandom stuff lol. After that we can either have dessert at Passion Flower, go purikura or karaoke if people want (there are two K places near Capitol that Silver knows of).
List of people who have confirmed (+ costumes):
Silver and Harmony (DGM)
rayfytheprerogative ravient (DGM)
ceestar (Bleach)
aikodeshou (Bleach)
sunset_swish (MF)
gn004nadleeh (MF)
bubblefire (MF)
eur0philia (DGM)
morau (DGM)
souseki_naora itakoaya (Lolita)
kurakoathira (Lolita)
miyukiko (DGM)
strawbarry_gurl (DGM)
minami_373 (DGM)
glorfindel (secret)
breathless_ness (secret)
col_of_man evennexsoulmoonbladert8_steve Total Body Count = 26
ALL SYDNEYSIDERS AND ANYONE ELSE WILLING TO TRAVEL are invited to come along (as long as we have some kind of idea who you are). If anyone else is interested in coming, please leave a comment and you'll be added to the list ^_^ It'd be great if you could tell us if you'll be cosplaying, too.
It'll be cool if you could please confirm about coming so that Silver can make an accurate booking for seats for the restaurant - we appreciate your understanding!
How will you recognise us on the day? The two of us will be cosplaying as training-outfits-D.Gray-Man =P Yeah we're gonna be dorkfaces, shaddup
Please confirm with us! It'd be greatly appreciated. <333
~ Silver & Harmony
PS: Also,
gn004nadleeh and
col_of_man: just wondering approximately when you guys are interested in having that day of fabric-shopping? I know that you girls (Colman excluded of course XD) told me that you live quite far away, so rather than making you travel a long long way to meet Colman and me twice, you're free and welcome to stay the night at my house after the Halloween outing and we could go the next day, if you prefer and if Colman will be free. It's just a suggestion because I feel kinda bad that you girls have to spend so much time always traveling, though it's up to you really ♥♥ *glompsquish*
PPS: Tables have been booked! Thank you ^^