Black Out

Oct 16, 2006 10:11

     I am starting to hate Buffalo at the moment.  Since the freaking snow storm last thursday I have been without power.   That is about five days now. It is very annoying.  The house is freezing and we can't even cook warm food because we have a electric stove.  And even worse some areas won't even get power until the weekend, which would suck.  The worst part is that the people across the street have power but my side of the street does not, we have horrible luck.  
      Friday was horrible we had 2 feet of snow on the streets and they did not even plow until staturday afternoon.  Also the trees in the area are completely devestated.  Friday and Saturday it looked like we were in a war zone.  Tree branches were everywhere.  The trees look like someone ripped of the tops and dumped them on the ground.  Some trees even came out completely to the root.  Since we have tons of trees all over the yard we had tons of branches everywhere.  Friday and saturday I spent most of my day shoveling the wet and heavy snow and picking up branches.  I was so tired after that.  And with no lights we can't do much of anything at night, so we end up going to bed around 9 p.m. The last time I went to bed that early was when I was like 9 years old.  That sucks.  Though we do have a gas water heater so we can take hot showers.  
       SO at the moment I am siting on UB campus enjoying the heat and using the computer/internet  even though there are no classes today and I don't have to be here. Oh well at least it is warm. And as long as I am here my Dad can't put me to work cleaning up the yard.
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