Feb 05, 2005 16:58
Well, I have not posted in a long time so today I will! My weeks have been packed with things to do. I can't remember the last time I was on the computer during the school week.
I found out yesterday that I have strep throat. I got a penicillin shot...It didn't hurt that bad but it was awkward. My tonsils are huge and look really gross!
One thing I have been meaning to write in here was a conversation I had with Patrick a few weeks ago...I had asked him what he did at campouts and he actually confessed to me that he and a friend once got bored and silly enough to prance around like velocoraptors. We started talking about how crazy this was, and this is what followed:
me: "Why would you want to be a terrible creature that tried to eat people?"
him: "I am highly convinced that they were just playing tag!"
me: "Why did they kill people with their razor sharp teeth and claws?"
him: "It's not their fault that's the only thing they have to tag people with!"
My schedule for next year might be challenging. I wasn't able to double block band because of capstone but that doesn't really bother me because the music this year is not hard at all and we get bored in the back easily. There really is barely anything to play at all. I wish we could play pieces that were written by percussionists. I guess that's why I decided to be on the winter line.
Next week should be nice because I am going to go to San Antonio on Thursday after school! The only thing bad is that the Friday I am going to miss is the day that I have an algebra test and a chemistry test. I also have another history test next week and possibly others since it is the last week of the six weeks. I really don't like studying at all but I have to do it.
Oh yes! I got my permit a few months ago! yipee! Sadly, my birthday isn't for another 4 months.
I have been thinking a lot today since there's not really been anything interesting on tv. I read a few old emails and conversations and I miss what I used to have and don't have now...friendships and such. I've just really realized how everything has changed a whole lot. And I'm not sure whose fault it is. But, not all change is bad!
Have a great day!