Aug 09, 2003 05:42
It’s 5 AM. Predawn. The sky is that weird shade of light gray, the air is cool, which is refreshing considering it’s supposed to reach 80 today. I’ve been up all night- I can’t sleep. Maybe it’s because I’m getting restless, maybe it’s because my mind is in Georgia, I dunno. Whatever it is, it’s affecting my sleep. *Sighs * Simon, Simon. My mind is always occupied with thoughts of him. All the time, day and night. I’ve never been this hooked before. The nightmares have stopped, thank god. I think the car accident nightmare was stemmed from my fear of losing him. I guess that fear is gone, because the nightmares have stopped. The bad side (there’s always a bad side, isn’t there?) is that the nightmares and fear have been replaced by a terrible longing. I want to see him, hug him. Y’know. The kind of thing you can’t get over the Internet. The kind of comfort I’ve always longed for.
Maybe Simon’s right when he said he was what I was always looking for. He’s cute, smart, funny, sensitive, sweet…the list goes on. I could write a book 500 pages long concerning nothing but him. *Laughs * I have got it bad this time. Oh, Kari, what have you gotten yourself into? Falling in love with a guy who’s hundreds of miles away. *Le sigh * I wish he was here, or I was there. T’would make things so much better, life would be so much more easier to live. He’s starting school on Monday- which sucks to high hell since A) I won’t be going to school for a little less than a month (September 2nd) which means B) I won’t get to talk to him as much which will lead to C) depression or D) the kind of blah feeling I get when I’m away from him too long, E) which has happened too much lately. F) But there is a good side, the time difference I hate so much helps in this area. G) He’s…um…I think 4 hours ahead, or is it three? >.< I can’t remember. Dammit to high hell…
The fucking heat is killing me, I swear. Humidity is my worst enemy. I can’t take this weather. Keep in mind, peeps, that I live in Yetiland (Alaska). I can go outside in 50-degree weather in a t-shirt and jeans and not be cold at all. 70 degrees is HOT here. It’s supposed to hit 80 today? *Makes plans to sit by the living room fan all day * I swear to gawd, when I hit 18 I’m moving to the North Pole. Mark my fucking words. It never gets way hot there and no humidity. I swear…I dunno how Ronnie has made it in Cali- I would be dead of heat exhaustion by now. That’s me- pure Alaskan wolf girl. Runs around in the snow while wearing a tank top and shorts and has no problem with snowstorms or grizzly bears. Or lynxes. There was a lynx in the woods near my house today. Gawd, those animals are beautiful. Anyways, back to the point. I am never ever moving south even a bit. The heat would kill me. *Hides in snow pile *
I miss Kristy. *Cries * GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE! I need my twin to hold my small amount of sanity back together!!! PLEASE! Otherwise I’ll be forced to write Desy a letter and actually send it ^^
Speaking of Desy, I haven’t got to talk to him as much lately. I gave him temporary control of DJTTD until I can get my shit in a group, and we’re restarting RPU. Oh, and we restarted TES, which is going good now. I had to put a posting limit on it though, which sucks royally. I didn’t want to do it, I really didn’t, but shit, it’s pretty bad when I haveta shuffle through 30 posts. It makes me grumpy. >_<
I’ve been way tired like whoa. My body is going, “What the fuck are you doing, girl!? GET SOME SLEEP!’ and my little voice is saying the same thing. I shut the bitches up with iced tea. ^^ I hate not getting any sleep…
I got my room cleaned FINALLY. Oh, and I did some décor too. For one I painted the edges around my door, window and closet blue (yippee) and I found my artistic side. The back of my door (the part you can see when it’s closed and you’re inside) now has a killer painting of a full moon and stars in a night sky. I think I did well, for working with only four basic colors for the base (green, blue, white and yellow). It looks so fucking killer. I love it. And I’m painting a picture of a leopard surrounded by flames, me. The chaotic leopard. ^_^ I know, I’m so ‘tarded.
So I got to talk to Bethany again yesterday (WOO HOO!!!). I have to say, for being Simon’s ‘back-up’ as it were, she’s very confident when talking to me. I swear, every other sentence she’s saying how good Simon and me go together and how we should get married and all that. X.x Sorry, chica, but I vowed never EVER to get married for hopes of keeping what little sanity I have left until I reach 50. Besides, I’d drive him up the wall and over the other side. In other words, mentally ill would be his medical status after 1 year living with me. ^.^;;; eheh…not my fault!!! I’m just not easy to live with, is all. I think. ^^ At least I know no guy can stand me- even Simon’s extraordinary patience will wear out sooner or later.
I need to update my website like fuck. I swear, I haven’t updated since Lucifer became Satan. In other words, a very long time. I need to add some shrines, and update and twink my Owner’s page before linking to the main. HTML, gotta love it.
It’s official- I’m hooked on Jason’s forums. I post there like, at least 15 times a day. I still haveta beat his posting count though >.< Dammit, I need to beat him!!! Maybe I should start overlapping posts? ^^; I’m desperate!!!
Yeah, so I finally got off my lazy arse and called Kate’s house, and lo and behold, she’s gone till Sunday. Oh, joy. She was gone for all of July and I haven’t talked to her since the beginning of June. I’m a bad girl. Naughty girl. Bad bad bad. I neglected my friends’ cause I was so wrapped up in the Internet. An I wonder why I don’t have any friends. Shitaki, I need to get my shit in a group. Veronica, da Monkey, got back from Cali a while ago and I neglected to call her back. I hate making phone calls. They make me grumpy.
So I’m in Patotzka’s class again. Whoopdeedoo. She helped me with math like a damn computer, so that’s okay. Math is NOT my strong suit. I hate math. Never ask me what 9 x 9 is unless I’m like, fully alert and know automatically that the answer is something like 81. X.x I suck at math. I hate it with my soul.
I got paid (WOO HOO) 23 bucks. So I’m most likely going to go to Wal-Mart and rob their soda machines blind. I want cherry coke. NOW. ^^;
So yeah…that pretty much sums up my life up till now.