Oct 28, 2004 23:32
So I tell you about the interesting things that are going on here. Fill in the blanks with reading classes sleeping eating and gilmore girls.
So we tie dyed mens boxers for free a few nights ago. So they look horrible on, they fit all wrong. So myself, cheri, and a couple other girls (liz and morgan) were all eating chinese food in my room. SO i got the brilliant idea to take the boxers and put them on neds door. (guy on 2nd floor) So we write a note and attach it to them..."Hey sexy! You left these in my room the other night! I hope you had as much fun as I did! Here's your change. I'll see you tomorrow night. Wear your boxers then. They're my favorite on you...and off you." And we were planning on taping pennies all over the door. So we're putting them up all over the door and it made a little sound every time we press on the door. So he comes out, and we all run away. he runs after us and just when we think its safe he comes back. So we had a huge penny throwing war in the hallway and on the stairs. Oh and then mens bathroom (he ran in i swung open the door threw a handful of pennies at him and ran away) And the whole time his RA is just sitting in his room with his back to the hallway. lol...during quiet hours too! hehe. So much fun! So of course the plan failed so morgan cheri and i are doing it again tomorrow when he's at class...we've got it all figured out! I'm just alittle afraid because he was telling me he's gonna do stuff mischeif night and he's got it all planned out the other night.
Last night was eclipse night! Cheri, morgan, allison, laurel, liz and i all went outside to check it out. Took some awesome pictures, they're on my webshots...yeah i swiped them from laurel. You can get that off my profile though. Anyway we went to harry mart so cheri could get candy. On our way back we were walking in the parking lot and there was a car full of big black guys all pointing at us and shit. And they're like "yeah i want the one with the big ass" and "i want that one". It was scary! lol and yet so entertaining...you know now that we're still alive. And when we were looking at the eclipse a guy in a car driving by yelled out hey girls so i took his picture...that's also on the webshots.
I only have one class tomorrow...at 8 am! So i'll be taking quite the nap before doing more work. Cheri and I are going "shopping" on friday night and then cheri carolyn and i are going shopping on sunday. Yeah there's certain meaning to the quotes.